Friday, December 6, 2019

Development and Pollution Prevention †Free Samples to Students

Question: Discuss about the Development and Pollution Prevention. Answer: Introduction: The concept of sustainable development has drawn good level of attention over the past century due to the declining condition of the environment. As mentioned by Leigh and Blakely (2016), the issue of sustainability has resulted in many arguments and debates over the topic. There has been various means of considering social and sustainable approach that would eventually lead to the economic development of a country. The problem with environmental degradation has increased in the recent time due to the excessive use of the natural resources. This has automatically leaded to the situation that would hamper the economy of the country. As commented by Sueyoshi and Yuan (2017), misuse of the environmental resources will deplete the environmental condition and at the same time will also degrade the economic condition of the country. The objective of this paper is to find out the relationship between the environmental sustainability and the economic development of a country. Focus will be m ade on the argument that whether by undertaking sustainable approach towards the environment will lead to better economic development of a nation. As pointed out by Hollander et al. (2016), the ecosystem of the earth is very fragile and it is the humans to contribute towards the decline of the ecosystem. According to the protocols framed at the time of joining countries to improve the quality of human life and to make the earth a better planet to live, humans are responsible for taking care of the earth and its resources. In fact, the economic condition of a country is largely depended on the availability of the natural resources in the particular country. According to Lyasnikov et al. (2014), sustainability should remain a part of the social responsibility and one should enforce sustainable development in order to improve the present condition of the environment. For instance, it has been found that David Henderson has expressed his view on the fact that sustainability is desirable or not (Jorgenson et al. 2014). On the other hand, in the UN Rio Declaration on Environment and Development, it has been observed that humans have certain range of intrinsic rights and to this, the right to the unsullied environment is equally important. In the International Forum on Globalisation, it has been proposed that it falls under the responsibility of human beings to look into a strict policy of sustainability and solve the problems related to it (Panayotou 2016). Thus, primarily, it should be the responsibility of every human in the society to undertake better approach for sustainability that would eventually improve the economic condition of the nation or the country as well. Sueyoshi and Yuan (2017) have also showed the connection between our dependence on the resources of the earth and its connection with the economy. Sueyoshi and Yuan (2017) commented that our life is largely depended on the resources of the earth like water, land and other natural resources buried under the earth. The profundity of the happiness gained through materialism and the economic growth of the nation results in the attainment of higher rate of GDP or higher profit in the business. The idea behind the concept that sustainability will lead to better economy of the country is that the resources of the earth is very limited and we are completely depended on the resources (Jorgenson et al. 2014). The economy of the country can only be improved if the resources are used in a proper and just manner. In addition to this, it should also be the concern of the people that one should leave the resources for the future generation as well (McLaughlin et al. 2014). It has to be understood t hat only when there will be availability of the resources, the nation can remain economically sustainable. The economic growth not only depends on the use of the resources for industrialisation or other developmental activities, but it also depends on how well the resources are being used. Consumerism needs to be reduced that would only help to improve the economic condition of the nation (Wheeler and Beatley 2014). According to the limitless economic growth counter sustainability, the economic growth is reinforced in a loop and it is more like a snowball that grows as it rolls down the hillside. The economic growth will eventually lead to success in terms of employment opportunity or technological excellence (Panayotou 2016). This will definitely require the resources of the country to facilitate the advancement of the environment. For example, people are facing challenges due to the increasing rate of global warming. People could not focus on the actual things that would lead to the growth of the country but they have to look out for the sustainability of the ecosystem (Jorgenson et al. 2014). This automatically hampers the productivity of the country leading to poor economic growth. In order to stick the balance between the two, it is required to consider the sustainability of the environment where people will be responsible for taking care of the ecological balance and the natural resources that are available in nature (Leigh and Blakely 2016). There has been development in the alternative resources and it has become easier for people to fulfil the need of the people but the economy of the country still remained in a turmoil condition. Conclusion: Detailed analysis has been carried on in the report on how sustainability of the environment can lead to economic development of country. It has been found that sustainability of the environment depends on how well the natural resources of a country are used. It has been found that when the resources are used in a more reliable and proper way, it provides better opportunity for improving the economy of a country. Thus, there is a direct relationship with the sustainability and the economy of a country. It is thus recommended that people should be more responsible towards the sustainability of the nature that would contribute towards the economic development of the country. References: Hollander, R., Amekudzi-Kennedy, A., Bell, S., Benya, F., Davidson, C., Farkos, C., Fasenfest, D., Guyer, R., Hjarding, A., Lizotte, M. and Quigley, D., 2016. Network priorities for social sustainability research and education: Memorandum of the Integrated Network on Social Sustainability Research Group.Sustainability: Science, Practice, Policy,12(1). Jorgenson, A.K., Alekseyko, A. and Giedraitis, V., 2014. Energy consumption, human well-being and economic development in central and eastern European nations: A cautionary tale of sustainability.Energy Policy,66, pp.419-427. Leigh, N.G. and Blakely, E.J., 2016.Planning local economic development: Theory and practice. Sage Publications. Lyasnikov, N.V., Dudin, M.N., Sekerin, V.D., Veselovsky, M.Y. and Aleksakhina, V.G., 2014. The national innovation system: the conditions of its making and factors in its development. McLaughlin, E., Hanley, N., Greasley, D., Kunnas, J., Oxley, L. and Warde, P., 2014. Historical wealth accounts for Britain: progress and puzzles in measuring the sustainability of economic growth.Oxford Review of Economic Policy,30(1), pp.44-69. Panayotou, T., 2016. Economic growth and the environment.The environment in anthropology, pp.140-148. Sueyoshi, T. and Yuan, Y., 2017. Social sustainability measured by intermediate approach for DEA environmental assessment: Chinese regional planning for economic development and pollution prevention.Energy Economics,66, pp.154-166. Wheeler, S.M. and Beatley, T. eds., 2014.Sustainable urban development reader. Routledge.

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