Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Food Is The Necessity Of Life - 1222 Words

Food is and always has been a necessity of life. In this assignment we will look at a specific meal made up of coffee, bacon, eggs and potatoes. We will look at where this food comes from and how it ends up on a person’s table sometimes thousands of miles from where that food was produced. We will look at the methods likely to be used by the growers and producers of the products, the packagers and the shippers, as well as alternative local sources for these products. Impacts of a Borderless society In today’s society a person walks into a grocery store, picks out products and brings them home to feed themselves and their family. Little thought goes into where the product comes for, or the production process. We tend to think of organic foods as a standard of higher quality and less chemicals but often do not research what organic standards are or what they mean to us. Today we will look at a simple breakfast in all of the aspects of where it comes from and how it is produced as well as local options to get these products such as farmers markets. We will also compare the current methods of organic growing, free range vs. caged chickens (eggs), and the packaging and transportation of local foods as well as commercial foods involved in this breakfast. Coffee Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the US, with Bloomberg estimating that approximately 83% of adults drinking coffee, and approximately 63% drinking coffee on a daily basis. (Perez, 2013) This number is anShow MoreRelatedSonnet XX Of The Fatal Interview By Edna St. Vincent Millay1112 Words   |  5 Pagesprovide health, shelter, and food yet it is paramount to the point that it can lead to death. In â€Å"Sonnet XXX of the Fatal Interview†, by Edna St. Vincent Millay, the poet tells her readers about her experience of how love is not a necessity in life. 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