Monday, October 21, 2019

Constitutional Convention essays

Constitutional Convention essays Comparing essays from John Roche and Richard Hofstadter Since the beginnings of the Constitutional Convention, the Founding Fathers of our great country and their motives, during the time of the writing of the constitution, have been questioned and analyzed. This still holds true to this century. Two historians, John P. Roche and Richard Hofstadter, have both published essays giving their interpretations of what happened during that time in our countries history. Although both of thee essays were written within twenty years of each other the historians give two very different views on the events of the Constitutional Convention. Richard Hofstadters The American Political Tradition and The Men Who Made It shows a history of our nation that we do not usually see interpreted. He believes that the Constitution was written by men who were not looking to create a government for the people, they looked to create a good political constitution to control him [the people]. This idea is only further proven by the words of the Founding Fathers themselves. The people of the newly founded United States wanted a democratic government. However, according to Hofstadter: Democratic ideas are most likely to take root among discontented and oppressed classes, rising middle classes, or perhaps some sections of an old alienated and partially disinherited aristocracy, but they do not appeal to a privileged class that is still amplifying it privileges This idea that democracy is only meant for the classes whom do not have much power is one that affected the ideas of the convention greatly. It was due to the fact that of all the men present only half a dozen... were not sons of men who had considerable position and wealth. Even though these wealthy would have considerable power in a non-democratic government they agreed that the people should not be without a voice in the government. Hofstadter ...

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