Friday, October 4, 2019

Employee Satisfaction in Human Resource Management Research Paper

Employee Satisfaction in Human Resource Management - Research Paper Example Complaints are normal in any organization as people are not similar. The handling of conflicts by the management is what encourages or discourages employee satisfaction. Complaints should be handled according to the set rules, guidelines and principles of the organization meaning with all fairness and justice. If any party is favored, then the other party will be angry and remorseful preventing job productivity and may even lead to employee turnover due to lack of satisfaction of the level of justice in the company. Conflicts are almost similar to complaints and should be handled in a sensitive manner. Conflicts are normally between the supervisor and lower level employee and this situation demands listening to both parties before any final decision is made. Employees are satisfied where they are treated equally in cases of conflicts without regards to rank or job position. If the conflicts are handled wrongly, it means that one of the parties is underappreciated and this leads to lack of job satisfaction in the employee and may even lead to lawsuits against unfair judgment and treatment of lower level employees (Zeqiri, Aziri and Mazllami, 2010). Harassments in the work place are of numerous natures. The most common of all the harassments is sexual harassment where an employee harasses another based on their sex. In this type of harassment, the most common victims are the employees and the perpetrators the employers or supervisors. When the matter is handled internally by the human resource department, in most cases the case is settled by transferring the employee or merely suspending the perpetrator and no further action is taken. After this, the victim is victimized or even threatened by the perpetrator for reporting and may even give false allegations just to get back at the employee. The victim therefore lives in fear and anger and does not enjoy work at all and this is an example of lack of employee satisfaction. This is common where

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