Wednesday, October 2, 2019

Floridian Lifestyle at the Crab Shack :: Descriptive Essay About A Place

Floridian Lifestyle at Pinchers’ Crab Shack Nestled between a dilapidated pet shop and a mass-produced chain store lies Pinchers’ Crab Shack, a local dive of free spirits in the wilds of the stubborn and pompous Naples area. As Jimmy Buffett’s â€Å"Margaritaville† blares from a weathered jukebox nestled next to cases of unopened beer in a corner, the various smells of salt, frying foods, and vinegar assaults one’s senses. It is here in this atmosphere that Florida is truly found. Pinchers’ is a true haven of Floridian atmosphere. Whether the canopy of inflatable parrots and rafts or the walls of island memorabilia ranging from autographs to record covers to pictures of fish, Pinchers’ welcomes the diner with a flare of Caribbean leisure and pleasure. The style remains very familiar, from the open kitchen where chefs concoct the food before the patrons to the paper-bag coverings flung over the tables. Drinks come in jars, napkins are found in the form of paper towels situated next to the tables, and salt is found within a beer bottle. This is truly a welcoming restaurant which calls to the deepest senses of salt, sand, and seawater located in the depths of the soul. While at Pinchers’, be sure to sample several of the magnificent dishes. First and foremost are the fried clams, deeply fried strips of clam which dwarf a human finger. If one is not in the mood for fried food, try the King Crab Legs, an enormous rack of crab’s legs smothered in a rich butter sauce; not only is the crab delicious, but it is interactive as one gets to smash the legs to get to the meat. If simple seafood is what one craves, go for the scallops, richly broiled in a wine sauce leaving the mouth craving more. Last, finish the dinner with a piece of Key Lime Pie, the traditional dessert of Florida and the best pie found this side of Key West. This wonderful dive truly shows the natural Floridian lifestyle. The waitresses in tank tops and shorts serve with a smile while the bar welcomes patrons wearing everything from traditional suits to Hawaiian tee shirts to bathing suits.

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